As planning, a group of six people includes me and my friends went to coastal area located at south-western part of Cambodia (Kompot province). Our purpose was a camping trip along Kompot canal (local language: ព្រែកកំពត = Prek Kompot) for one night and on Bokor mountain for another.
Joyful Party (Kompot canal) |
Departed from capital around 1:30 PM by using Ah NOP (our lovely car) white toyota SUV Land Cruiser 1994, drove by Mr. Six pack (Pheap's nick name when we were at NZ). Traveling around 148 Km with cold beer in hands, it was absolutely marvelous (local language: ពេលណាមានទៀត?=pel na mean tiet?). At 4:45PM we arrived the Kompot city, collected foods and other things before headed to find our camping location.
camping ground (Kompot canal) |
Finally, we found a perfect camping ground for our perfect time. it is located along west line of Kompot canal. On a white artificial beach opposite an old lady villager house (A farmer who own a durian farm) we installed our tents and prepared food (Beef, Crabs, Shrimps, Squids, Roast ducks) and drink (Beer and wine). By looking at the lists of foods and drink, we can say that it was completely contrary to the original camping's idea (everyone laughed out loud that time). Culturally, Khmer people are helpful and the guests always receive a warm welcome with smile at their house or community. Undoubtedly, we had those experiences, the smiling face, the hands to help from that aunty which made us feel safe as home.
We enjoyed our time by singing, drinking, chatting and specially breathing in the fresh air till midnight. I just can say that it was a complete relaxing time ever.
Next day, we decided to spend one more night on Bokor mountain (Local language: ភ្នំបូកគោ= Phnom Bokor). In the morning we collected foods and drink before headed to Bokor. Traveling west 8 Km from Kompot's downtown A mountain with around 1100 meters above sea level offers us heaven's scenery. It is heaven because you can attach your body to the cloud, you can feel cool mountain air, you can see beautiful scenery of fog and islands in southern part of Cambodia. At that time, our first direction was Borko waterfall. Due to dry season we saw this mountain's stream as a brook which is easy for hiking. So, we decided to hiked down follow the stream for 30 minutes before for return to shower at the top of waterfall.
Return from hiking down the waterfall stream. |
Everyone feel very tired and hungry. Try not to waste too much time, we had our lunch in a restaurant at the waterfall corridor. Bay Sasiv cost 10,000 Riel each was a good deal. Our next task was, finding camping area. Without specific direct, we luckily went to the right location called Bokor water dam (it is a fresh water basin reserve for Than Suor Bokor Resort). This place designed for camp travelers who are interesting in spending night time in tent.
Bokor Dam Camping Ground |